
Showing posts from March, 2021

Literary Power: How Greek Poetry and Mysticism Established the Western Mind

An essay by BobafrigginFeet       Many people, especially now in the modern age, seem to underestimate the relevance of the Greeks. When it comes to philosophical discussion, the discussion is usually always between recent ideas or people. We have a bias towards what is old fashioned because we live in a progressive timeline. What many modernists believe now is what’s factual – what’s in front of them. Clear and present, they dislike anything aesthetic or external to the physical world, but despite this they have ignored the origin and development of European philosophy which gave them the tools they have now to make technology. They don’t realize the impact they make when they prefer certain languages over others: when they use specific ‘scientific’ sounding words over others. The Greeks, mystics, and various people in antiquity were aware of this dilemma: the effect of language and mystical aestheticism on the conscience. Since philosophy’s dawn, the concept of phi...

A Dialogue about Fascism by BobafrigginFeet

On Fascism: A dialogue by Boba Shimrin: Esoteric National socialism is some real cringe Boba: The writings of Esoteric philosophers like Otto Weininger were adopted by the Nazis to fit their movement Shimrin: You see the same a lot today with brainlet radical anti-capitalists. The esoteric being forced into a political narrative of modernity makes no sense at all. Boba: Damn Otto Weininger seemed like a real incel asshole, reading his writings now. There’s a weird post-war esoteric neo-fascist group of writers, especially in Italy. Shimrin: Well Evola continued his work post-war so it makes sense Boba: Thoughts on Savitri Devi? Definitely a few esoteric Naz-bol simps in here Shimrin: Peak schizo tier. That one book about Hitler being an avatar of Vishnu sounds pretty entertaining. Lethal: Was it substantially different from Jung's take? The sad thing about it is if those Hindu Indians lived in the nazi state during the 1930-40s they woul...